Fibromyalgia FAQs

drkmh Fibromyalgia FAQs


In the case of fibromyalgia, the pain is coming from the brain. It is why fibromyalgia is considered to be connected with the central nervous system.


Q: What is Fibromyalgia


Dr: Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes widespread pain in various parts of the body including muscles, tendons, joints, and skin. People with the condition have specific tender points in places such as their neck, legs, back, arms and hips, which hurt even when mild pressure is applied to them.


Q: What causes Fibromyalgia


Dr: The direct cause of fibromyalgia is unknown. Some people develop it after traumatic injuries like a road accident, others develop symptoms after surgery, physical assault, repetitive injury, or some kind of severe illness/infection. Most people develop fibromyalgia for no apparent reason. Having a family member with the condition increases one’s risk but it is not a definitive cause either.


Q: Is pain the only symptom of Fibromyalgia


Dr: Pain is the primary symptom of fibromyalgia, and other symptoms are often associated with the pain. Some other symptoms of fibromyalgia are fatigue, irritability, anxiety, disturbed sleep, numbness/tingling in hands and feet, memory issues and digestive trouble.


Q: Why is it difficult to diagnose Fibromyalgia


Dr: When a part of the body hurts, like an elbow or shoulder, people treat that specific area. In the case of fibromyalgia that does not work because the pain is coming from the brain. It is why fibromyalgia is considered to be connected to the central nervous system.


Q: Is there no way to diagnose Fibromyalgia?


Dr: Fibromyalgia is usually diagnosed based on the following four factors:


  • – areas of pain on both sides of the body, above and below the waist
  • – associated symptoms such as fatigue, sleeplessness, anxiety, etc.
  • – the presence of symptoms for more than three months
  • – no other apparent cause for the symptoms

However, in most cases, fibromyalgia is diagnosed only years after the symptoms develop.


Q: How is Fibromyalgia treated?


Dr: Treating Fibromyalgia can be tricky for two reasons. Firstly, the cause is unknown and hence attacking it at the root is impossible. Secondly, the pain associated with fibromyalgia is linked with signals from the brain, often making it difficult to target even specific tender points. However, with the help of painkillers and anti-depressants, symptoms can be managed. But these medications alone will not suffice to cope with fibromyalgia. Getting enough sleep, learning relaxation techniques, exercising regularly, stretching, and mindful eating can all help ease symptoms.


Q: Does Fibromyalgia cause depression?


Dr: Fibromyalgia and depression are linked. The chronic pain associated with fibromyalgia can be a major source of distress and anxiety. This can cause the person to stay away from activities, gradually leading to social isolation. Without professional help and support the person will descend into depression. It is important for family members to understand the complexity of fibromyalgia and help those affected by it, deal with anxiety and depression.


Q: Are Arthritis and Fibromyalgia related?


Dr: The only connection between the two is pain. Arthritis affects the joints, whereas fibromyalgia causes pain in the soft tissues and muscles, more than in the joints. Arthritis pain is primarily caused by inflammation. Fibromyalgia is not characterised by inflammation. The pain is coming from the brain or central nervous system.


Q: Does Fibromyalgia get better with time?


Dr: Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition. Once you have been diagnosed with the condition, you must accept that it is here to stay. No single drug or treatment will cure the condition. However, by making certain lifestyle changes and following your doctor’s advice you can ease your symptoms and stay fully functional. Fibromyalgia is not a life-threatening condition, and it does not damage your muscles, joints, or organs.


CONSULTANT - RHEUMATOLOGY at Dr.Kamakshi Memorial Hospitals
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