Our Ambulance Service in Dr.Kamakshi Memorial Hospital provides 24 hours, 365 days a year accident and emergency services to those in need of emergency medical treatment and transport support. We offer medical repatriate services via our ground ambulance services. It plays a vital role in the life support and providing critical care to the patients.
Dr. KMH has two types of ambulance services,
Adult services play a major role in retrieval of critical adult patients.
Paediatric Services provides specialist transport for critically ill children and babies to hospital.
The specialized doctors are always available for the immediate and evidence-based care. The health-care professionals in the ambulance services are well trained with the protocols that are followed in cases of Cardiac Life Support and Advanced Trauma Care Support.
Our Ambulance drivers are well trained in transporting sick, injured, or convalescent persons. They are also trained as emergency medical technicians in providing emergency medical care. They also assists in lifting the patients.
In general, there are four types of ambulance services,
Basic Life Support Service contains nurse or practitioner with basic life saving equipments including oxygen cylinder, stretcher and BP monitor. This service is ideal for situations which are not grievous and non-emergency medical transfers.
Advance Life Support Ambulance is a type of ambulance service with advanced life saving equipments like defibrillators, ECG machine, pulse oximeter and other necessary apparatus. This service plays a crucial role in life support when the patient is unconscious or cardiac patient by transferring them to trauma care on time. Based on the requirement of the situation, the doctor or paramedic will come in this ambulance to offer life support.
Medical Repatriation Service is used to transfer the patient who wants to get clinical monitoring or medical assistance from the hospital. It normally functions in transferring the patient from their home to hospital.
Mortuary Ambulance is type of a service used for the transfer of dead bodies.
Various life saving equipments in our ambulance service includes,
Portable and fixed suction apparatus with a regulator is used to remove mucus and similar fluids from the airways.
Defibrillator is a machine used to restart the heart.
Pulse oximeter with pediatric and adult probes is a useful medical device for measuring the oxygen saturation of a patient's blood and changes in blood volume in the skin.
Sphygmomanometer is a smaller piece of equipment needed on ambulances to measure the blood pressure.
Oxygen cylinders
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