Early diagnosis of individual risk factors is crucial for improved prevention of serious illness. We offer one of the most advanced health assessments in Chennai, Tamilnadu to private and corporate clients. "Prevention is better than cure", the act of prevention is not any more an idea to contemplate, but a 'must-to-do' act amid this evolving lifestyles and emerging illnesses of today. Performing periodic health check-ups has now become an imperative and pre-emptive task for a worriless, healthy and happy life.
We offer,
Basic Health check-up is recommended for all adults and adolescents. This package covers a basic set of investigations covering all systems of the human body. The package helps in early detection of illness like haematological disorders including anaemia, prediabetes and diabetes mellitus, hypertension, any kidney disorders, Fatty livers, NASH, hepatitis, dyslipidaemias, baseline ECG changes, any consolidation or mass in the lungs, urinary tract infection, haemorrhoids and so on.
This package is recommended for people with symptoms of cardiac disease like palpitations, chest pain, giddiness, fatigue, dyspnoea, people with family history of premature atherosclerosis young stroke and premature Cardiac disease, diabetic, hypertensive patients and routinely above 40 years of age. This package provides basic set of all investigations with Echo and Tread Mill test It helps in primary prevention and early treatment of lifestyle and cardiac diseases.
This package is recommended for all adults aged 40 or more and a strong family history of an early cardiovascular disease. A first-degree relative (parent, brother, sister, child) with a serious hereditary lipid disorder. For example, familial hypercholesterolaemia or familial combined hyperlipidaemia. These diseases are uncommon. It helps in identification of any current lifestyle risk factors that increase your risk of developing a cardiovascular disease. These include smoking, obesity, a poor diet, lack of physical activity and drinking a lot of alcohol. You will then have a blood test to check your blood cholesterol and sugar (glucose) level. Your blood pressure will be measured. The reports are consolidated with a counselling and treatment with family physician and cardiologist.
This package is recommended for all women above 21 years of age. It includes basic set of investigation with a Pap smear which is done for screening of cervical cancer and chronic cervicitis (which is done for assessing the uterine cervix), USG breast/Mammogram for breast cancer screening and detection of benign breast lumps. This package also includes TSH screening which helps in identifying thyroid disorder and their follow-up Women with symptoms of Fatigue, weight gain/loss, hair fall, altered bowel movements, dry skin should get their thyroid function test done. This package encloses a counselling and treatment with family physician and gynaecologist with a advice on vaccination appropriate for the guest.
This package is recommended for all children less than 12 years of age. This package helps in identification of pathology for poor weight gain, malnutrition like marasmus and kwashiorkor, any primary complex disease, haematological diseases, wheezing, urinary tract infection, phimosis etc. This package gives a consultation with a family medicine consultant and paediatrician including a vital part of advice on your child's vaccination status.
This package is recommended for early detection, treatment and follow-up of Diabetes mellitus. It is indicated in patients with symptoms of excessive thirst (polydipsia) ,excessive frequency of urination (polyuria) , excessive appetite(polyphagia), weight loss, fatigue, numbness and burning sensations of hand and feet, chronic nonhealing wound, family history of diabetes mellitus, obesity and already diagnosed diabetic patients. This package helps in early identification of complications of diabetes mellitus like diabetic nephropathy by evaluating urine micro albumin (kidney), diabetic retinopathy with fundus examination (eyes). The reports are consolidated with an advice from family physician and diabetologist.
Screening is done for healthy individuals with no symptoms and people with family history of malignancy. It provides opportunity to pick up cancers in the early stage when chances of cure are very high. Oral cavity examination is recommended for screening of oral and buccal cancers
This package is recommended for people above 60 years of age. This package is recommended for early detection, follow-up and management of haematological abnormalities, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Hyper tension, Thyroid disorders, Kidney diseases, Hepatitis, Urinary incontinence, Prostatomegaly(in males), stricture Urethra, Chronic cervicitis and Cervical Cancer(females), breast lumps and Malignancies, Pneumonias, any lung mass, Cardiac Diseases and so on. This package also encompasses physiotherapy consultation and an advice on geriatric vaccinations.
This package is recommended for people with joint pain and swellings, low back aches, neck pain. This package helps in early detection of connective tissue disorders, arthritis, cervical and lumbar disc diseases and their effective management by an orthopaedist and physiotherapist.
This package is recommended for all adults aged 30 or more. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) represents an emerging public health problem. It is one of the most potent risk factors for cardiovascular disease and also accompanied by multiple other comorbidities: hypertension, anaemia, hyperparathyroidism, and renal osteodystrophy. Most elderly people with CKD are asymptomatic. However, general practitioners should consider targeted testing of high risk groups especially those who are known to smoke, have a family history of CKD, or who suffer from diabetes, hypertension, obesity or established cardiovascular disease. This package encloses a counselling and treatment with family physician and nephrologists with an advice for consideration of renal replacement therapy (ie. dialysis or transplantation) and can be primarily managed in general practice.
No.1, Radial Road, Pallikaranai,
Chennai – 600 100, Tamil Nadu, India
+91 - 44 - 66 300 300 | 71 200 200
CIN# U85110TN2004PTC054715