Frequently Asked Questions about Scoliosis

drkmh Frequently Asked Questions about Scoliosis


Bad posture is not a cause of scoliosis. If a child has scoliosis, they may lean to one side to try to compensate for the curve in their spine. This can lead to bad posture.


Q: What is Scoliosis?


Dr: Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine. The curvature may be in an S- or C-shape. Scoliosis most often occurs during puberty when children are going through a growth spurt. The exact cause of scoliosis is unknown, but it is thought to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. There is no cure for scoliosis, but it can be treated with physical therapy, bracing, or surgery.


Q: Is Scoliosis a genetic condition?


Dr: Most scoliosis cases are categorized as idiopathic, which implies that the exact cause of the spinal deformity is unknown. In fact, there is contradictory evidence regarding the genetic origins of the condition. While scientists are yet to isolate a gene that causes the condition, it is observed that scoliosis tends to run in families. Approximately one-third of patients have a family history of the disorder.


Q: What are some types of Scoliosis?


Dr: Based on the cause of Scoliosis, the condition is categorised as Idiopathic, Congenital and Neuromuscular.


  • Idiopathic scoliosis: This is the most prevalent form of scoliosis, and its cause is unknown. It is believed to arise from a combination of factors, including genetics, environmental influences, and growth patterns.
  • Congenital scoliosis: Present from birth, this type of scoliosis is caused by abnormal spinal development during the preliminary stages of growth.
  • Neuromuscular scoliosis: This type of scoliosis is caused by a neurological condition, such as cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy. It can also be caused by spinal cord injury or tumour.

Q: Does the spinal curvature increase with time?


Dr: While some very mild cases of idiopathic scoliosis may improve on their own, this is not the norm. Most children with scoliosis have slight curves that do not require treatment and allow them to live normal lives. However, larger curves that are left untreated can worsen over time. The risk of curve progression is higher in children who are diagnosed with scoliosis at an early age. This is because the growth plates in the spine are still open, and the spine is still growing. The closure of growth plates varies among boys and girls, and this plays a role in determining the remaining growth potential for the child.


Q: How can one prevent further progression of the curve?


Dr: The best way to manage scoliosis is to prevent further progression of the curve. This can be done with bracing or surgery.


  • – Bracing: Bracing is typically used for mild to moderate curves A brace is a medical device that is worn to help correct the curve of the spine. Bracing is most effective in children who are still growing and have curves that are less than 45 degrees.
  • – Surgery: Surgery is a more invasive treatment that is used to correct curves that are more than 45 degrees or that are not responding to bracing. Scoliosis Surgery involves fusing the bones in the spine together to prevent the curve from progressing.

Q: What is Scoliosis Specific Exercises and how effective are they?


Dr: Scoliosis Specific Exercises (SSE) is a type of exercise that is specifically designed to help correct scoliosis curves. SSE are typically done under the supervision of a physical therapist. SSE may be useful together with bracing and is currently being studied.


Q: Does bad posture or heavy backpacks cause Scoliosis?


Dr: Bad posture is not a cause of scoliosis. It is actually the converse. If a child has scoliosis, they may lean to one side to try to compensate for the curve in their spine. This can lead to bad posture. Also, there is no evidence that sports activities or heavy backpacks cause scoliosis or make a curve worse. However, heavy backpacks can cause back pain. If a child is experiencing back pain, it is important to lighten the load in their backpack. Kids should carry lighter backpacks with straps over both shoulders.


Q: What type of surgery is required for Scoliosis?


Dr: The most common type of surgery for scoliosis is spinal fusion. During this procedure, the surgeon will connect two or more vertebrae together using metal rods, hooks, screws, or wires. These instruments will help hold the spine in place while the old and new bone material fuses together over time. If the curves are progressing rapidly at an early age, the surgeon may install an adjustable rod that can change in length as the child grows.


Q: Can children with Scoliosis participate in sports activities?


Dr: Children with idiopathic scoliosis can participate in sports, but it is important to listen to their bodies and avoid activities that cause pain or discomfort. It is also important to talk to their doctor before starting any new sport. Some sports that are generally safe for children with idiopathic scoliosis include swimming, biking, yoga, pilates and walking. Some sports that should be avoided include:


  • Contact sports, such as football, hockey, and rugby
  • Sports that involve twisting the spine, such as gymnastics
  • Sports that involve heavy lifting, such as weightlifting and bodybuilding
It is important to note that every child is different, and what is safe for one child may not be safe for another. It is always best to talk to the child’s doctor before starting any new sport.


Q: Can a woman with scoliosis get pregnant? Will she have any complications?


Dr: Having scoliosis should not prevent you from getting pregnant. There have been many studies on scoliosis and pregnancy, and none have shown that women with scoliosis have more difficulty bearing children. There is no increased risk of fetal distress, premature delivery, or problems with delivery. However, your children may have a greater chance of developing scoliosis, so they should be checked by their paediatricians at routine check-ups.


Q: Can someone with scoliosis live a normal life?


Dr: Yes, children and adults with scoliosis can live normal lives. The severity of the scoliosis curve will determine the level of treatment needed. In most cases, scoliosis does not cause any pain or other health problems. However, in some cases, scoliosis can cause a significant curve in the spine, which can lead to problems such as back pain, breathing difficulties, and cosmetic concerns. If you or your child have been diagnosed with scoliosis, it is important to work with a doctor to determine the best course of treatment. Here are some tips for living a normal life with scoliosis:


  • Stay active. Exercise can help to strengthen your muscles and improve your posture.
  • Wear a brace if prescribed. A brace can help to prevent the curve from getting worse.
  • See your doctor regularly for checkups. Your doctor will monitor your scoliosis and make sure that it is being treated properly.

CONSULTANT - ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON  at Dr.Kamakshi Memorial Hospitals
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