Vaccines confer activity immunity on the individual by teaching the immune system how to respond to certain infections.
If you did not already know, and are still confused about vaccinations and their necessity, here are TEN reasons why you should make sure your child is up to date with his/her immunization schedule.
Diligent worldwide administering of vaccines is what has successfully eradicated Smallpox, which claimed thousands of lives. Similarly, we have almost freed the world of Polio through scores of campaigns held all year round, in every region of the world where polio is prevalent. Since the advent of Measles vaccinations, deaths caused by the disease globally have reduced by more than 84%. These are but a few examples of how vaccines help eradicate diseases and promote healthy living.
Many parents believe that their child does not need vaccines if other children are fully vaccinated. Relying on other people to make smart choices, and putting your own child at risk, can be the difference between life and death. It is every parent’s responsibility to ensure their child is safe and protected from diseases. When each of us takes it up ourselves to make sure our children are immunized, we are also protecting the community and building a healthy future for generations to come.
Herd Immunity takes place when a significant percentage of the community is immune to a particular disease or infection. Vaccination reduces the spread of infectious disease through pathogen shedding and retards transmission. This then protects the whole community and not just vaccinated individuals.
Most diseases for which vaccines are available today are either fatal or can cause great harm to the well-being of the individual. Infants and young children are in the process of building their immunity, as such these harmful diseases can cause them great harm. Childhood vaccines are extremely important because the disease they prevent, endanger the child much more than they would an adult. The polio virus causes paralysis, measles can lead to blindness and a tetanus infection causes death. When you give your child vaccines on time to prevent these and other harmful diseases, you are increasing the life expectancy of your child and also ensuring your child lives a full, healthy life.
Children are born with an immune system that is capable of fending off certain infections. Breastfeeding provides a considerable powerful shield that provides passive immunity. However, the child’s immune system is a work in progress and the protection provided by breastmilk does not last forever. Vaccines confer activity immunity on the individual by teaching the immune system how to respond to certain infections. They leave a lasting imprint on the immune system that comes into play should the individual be exposed to that virus or bacteria later in life. Even if the individual does develop an infection, the severity will be drastically reduced. Symptoms will be milder and more manageable, leaving little or no lasting impact on the individual’s health.
Since most of the diseases that vaccines prevent are highly dangerous and can even lead to death, treating the symptoms is often a time-consuming and expensive process. Today routine vaccines are often available free of charge at government hospitals and every child has access to them. However, access to quality medical aid is not. Between identifying symptoms and finding a hospital that is equipped to treat the condition, much time is lost, and this only worsens the infection. All of this can be prevented if the child is duly vaccinated. Maintaining a vaccine schedule and sticking to it, secures the health and safety of the child.
Vaccines are introduced into hospitals and made available to everyone only after several years of research and multiple trials. Once the government and relevant medical associations approve of the vaccine’s efficacy, it is administered to the larger community. Hence there is no need to fear the safety of taking a vaccine that comes with the medical board’s approval. One must understand that taking these vaccines prevents outbreaks of harmful diseases that could then go on to become global pandemics that cost thousands of lives. Instead of resisting vaccinations, and believing in baseless rumours, have faith in the medical community that works tirelessly towards annihilating harmful diseases.
List of vaccines that a child must receive before 6 years of age:
If you are in doubt about what vaccines your child has received and what needs to be given, please make an appointment with our paediatrician.