#1, Radial Road, Pallikaranai, Chennai – 600 100, Tamil Nadu, India
Receive outpatient lab requests with paid bill, verify and approve in Laboratory Information System to generate lab department request. Mention lab test turnaround time in bill. Run the sample with technical manner. Delivery of lab test reports after verification of patient bill. To receive the patients with a pleasant smile and wish them. To attend telephone calls politely and strictly adhere to telephone manners To receive reports of various blood samples (IPD/OPD). To report Histopathology, Haematology and Cytopathology reports and all lab reports. To type in Attune software (making record forms of all the departments). To help the Chief of Laboratory Medicine in maintaining the files. To maintain the files of department wise records of tests, new added test, bills or outsourcing labs. To maintain the dispatch register. To maintain the record of duplicate reports Maintain cleanliness of lab premises and distributing linen in lab departments. Washing and drying, sterilization of glass wares for reuse in concerned departments. Sterilization of culture media and decontamination of culture plates for Microbiology department. Assist in department activities getting patients files from wards, receipt from store, carry lab indent stationery, surgical, maintenance items from lab store to lab sub store and then to concerned departments. Maintain biomedical waste Management. To document all internal quality control results. To report on all biochemistry samples. To ensure that all reports are dispatched on time without any delay. To establish, implement and maintain internal quality control in Laboratory. To participate in EQAS and ensuring satisfactory results. To review the performance of technicians. To train new technicians. To ensure that all staff is aware of proper waste disposal methods and waste disposal monitoring. To ensure the maintenance and monitoring of all equipment in Lab. To maintain all documents and records. To ensure that prompt action is taken for all non-conformities. To revise the SOPs regularly and ensuring that the work procedures are being followed. To check the referral lab investigations sample collection, turn around time periodically. To purchase and order small and urgent materials and works through the Admin.